Choose your Membership
500RsPerfect for students who are looking to learn & researchBerlaku selama satu tahun- Open to students in India
- Access - 'Members Only' resources on our website
- Receive - Training, Mentoring & Expert consultations
- Participate - in BEA Webinars, Conferences, Events
- Get Assistance - in Research on Bio-Enzymes
- Avail - Discounts for testing of Bio-Enzymes
- Use - BEA logo for your branding / stationary
- Nilai Terbaik
800RsProduce quality Bio-Enzymes for your personal useBerlaku selama satu tahun- Access - 'Members Only' resources on our website
- Receive - Training, Mentoring & Expert consultations
- Participate - in BEA facilitated Webinars, Events
- Get Preference - in joining BEA Bio-Enzyme Bank
- Use - BEA logo for your personal branding
- Participate – in the GB Meetings with voting rights
- Eligible –to be an office bearer of BEA
6.000RsLearn how to Produce & Sell Bio-Enzymes commerciallyBerlaku selama satu tahun- For Registered Organizations (Companies, etc) only
- Access - 'Members Only' resources on our website
- Receive - Training, Mentoring & Expert consultations
- Participate - in BEA facilitated Webinars, Events
- Launch – your products at concessional rates
- Get Preference - in joining BEA Bio-Enzyme Bank
- Use - BEA logo for your Organization branding
- Participate – in the GB Meetings with voting rights
- Eligible –to be an office bearer of BEA
- Membership - limited to 3 authorized representative
Associate Partner
8.000RsFor Associations promoting Bio-Enzymes in IndiaBerlaku selama satu tahun- Ideal for - NGOs, Federations, Unions & Collectives
- Access - 'Members Only' resources on our website
- Receive - Training, Mentoring & Expert consultations
- Participate - in BEA facilitated Webinars, Events
- Launch – your products at concessional rates
- Get Preference - in joining BEA Bio-Enzyme Bank
- Use - BEA logo for your Association branding
- Participate – in the GB Meetings with voting rights
- Eligible –to be an office bearer of BEA
- Membership - limited to 5 authorized representatives

Off-late we are facing many technical challenges with our payment gateway. Though its automated, we cannot let you go disappointed. or try alternate payment method other than UPI/ Gpay
Instructions - You can scan this QR Code to make direct payment. Please follow the steps -
1. Choose your membership
2. Scan this code for making the payment
3.Send us the transaction details along with your Name, Phone, and Address to
4. You will get your invoice and other further course of action.
5. Right now we are accepting payment only in Indian Currency.
or Alternatively, you can pay to the below-mentioned account details and share the details with us -
Account No. - 921020030352287
IFSC Code - UTIB0003126